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Haitian Christian Mission is located in Fonds Parisien, Ouest, Haiti. While staying at the mission house, I visited Wholehearted Orphanage. I was able to spend a lot of time there and fell in love with the children and their house parents. Currently, Wholehearted has twelve children in a family-style environment. They are planning to expand to eight homes with twelve children and two house parents in each home. 


In 2014, we were privileged to visit the site for the new orphanage. Our mission team prayed over the new site, the future house parents, and the children who would live there. Miss Betty from Haitian Christian Mission helped us with the details of finding out how much the new facility would cost: 1.474 million dollars. I wanted to do something to help. There were 27 people on my mission team and I figured out that if the cost of the new orphanage was split 27 ways, my part of that would be $54,592.59. I told my parents, "I know this is a huge goal, but I think God wants me to do this and I want to try."


My parents started encouraging me with ideas on how to raise that amount. This website is dedicated to those ideas - with a tab labeled "Projects" I hope you will take the time to visit these pages and learn more about this project. I am wholehearted FOR Haiti. I am wholehearted for this project IN Haiti. So far, $61,000 has been raised to help build the new orphanage! You can read more about how we raised the money on the Donate page.

Please help me reach my goal!

Alo! Mwen rele Lily!

Welcome to Wholehearted in Haiti!







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